Sunday, January 11, 2015

Top 5 Home Resolutions for the New Year

Just as many have vowed to lose weight, get in shape, or make some other change for the better in 2015, your home can have its own set of New Year’s resolutions you decide to implement to make improvements this year.  What tops your house-proud list?

1.  Kick the Clutter – Trying to tame the clutter can feel like trying to tame a wild animal.  But making a conscience effort to kick the clutter to the curb in your home can have lasting benefits.  To succeed, you need support from family members and a willingness to work at maintenance.  Set up good organizational systems that make putting things away effortless.  After all, clutter develops when items don’t have a designated home and they end up being placed around randomly because that is easier than finding a proper spot.  Banish those hot spots where items pile and find good homes for the things you actually use.

2.  Pare Down – Right along with tackling clutter, paring down your household contents can be a priority to many.  “We have too much stuff” is a common sentiment.  Choose less by determining what is being used, what is being properly stored for future use or as genuine keepsakes, and what is just excess.  And then get rid of the excess that’s taking up your limited space through donation or trash collection.

3.  Have a Clean Routine – If your regular cleaning routine could use a little more structure and a bit more effort (or consistency), decide to up your cleaning game.  Set days for specific tasks to be handled and determine by whom.  A little at a time can go a long way to stress-less home maintenance.  Clean out your cleaning products and toss what you’ll never pick up again and instead invest in products and equipment you will be willing to put to good use in a timely, repeated manner.

4.  Showcase Your Style – If you look around and feel what you’re seeing doesn’t say “2015” to you, contemplate décor items you would be willing to part with in favor of some new pieces.  This doesn’t have to be an overnight makeover; instead, make a few new purchases over time to pull a fresh, updated look together. 

5.  Get Out the Toolbox – Home repairs and general maintenance can pile up over time when a short list gets ignored until it feels unmanageable.  What needs attention?  A roof or ceiling crack repair?  A flooring issue?  A paint job?  Make an actual list and discuss budgeting and perhaps hiring someone more capable to get things marked off this year.

 Make your own list of home resolutions for 2015 to enjoy your everyday spaces to their fullest potential.  That is worth being resolute about.    

DesignInMind column; appeared in the Valley Morning Star January 11th.