Sunday, October 5, 2014

20 Ways to Decorate a Pumpkin

October is here, and pumpkins are the name of the decorating game this month.  Want to get creative with your design this year?  Here are 20 ways to decorate a pumpkin!

It might be hard to knock paint off the top of my pretty-pumpkin list.  Annually, I do love to wrap a pumpkin in strips of painters’ tape and spray paint the exposed areas for countless print and pattern options.  Cover a pumpkin in chalkboard paint for a design that can be changed with a swipe of a damp cloth.  These real pumpkins make great front door or table centerpiece displays.  For a more whole-family friendly version, cover the kitchen table in newsprint and let the kids paint with finger paints to create unique little works of art.  

Want less mess?  Opt for strips of ribbon.   Stripes, a chevron pattern, and a herringbone pattern can all be neatly achieved with sections of ribbon cut and held in place with thumb tacks.  For a designer accent look, just use the thumb tacks to create a design or outline the curves the way nailhead trim accentuates furniture pieces.  Use craft glue and a stash of buttons, beads, sequins, or gems to spell out a pumpkin message or create a festive design.  Use of mix of school glue and water to create a glue wash, coat a pumpkin while over the sink, and cover it with glitter or confetti while it is wet.   Your end result will be a sparkly finished product. 

Pumpkin carving is given a modern twist when a pumpkin center is cored out, and the carving gets crafty.  Drill uniform holes to resemble a Broadway light bulb message, and light the inside with a battery operated candle illuminate your lettering.  Remove the insides of a few mini pumpkins and use them as small succulent planters.

Other no-carve options include affixing house numbers to a pumpkin with their hardware for a front porch display.  Wrap a message or a series of words or names around using scrapbooking or mailbox-style letter stickers.  I’ve seen pumpkins playing dress-up, with felt shapes creating the look of masks, wings, or spider legs.  Make faces using stick-on googly eyes.  Have a run in a pair of textured tights?  Squeeze a pumpkin in a foot, pull it tight around, and cut and tie off at the top for a sheer patterned look.     

This is just the stem of the pumpkin when it comes to all the ways you can get creative and crafty to decorate the seasonal staple that is pumpkin décor! What will you design? 

DesignInMind column; appeared in the Valley Morning Star October 5th.