Sunday, August 17, 2014

Must-Haves for Back to School

Setting alarm clocks, getting haircuts, and rounding up those school supplies are timely tasks this time of year with back-to-school approaching.  Beyond packing new backpacks, there are some home-prep steps that can make the family’s transition into the school year that much smoother.

First, consider starting the new time routine in the few days before school starts.  Going from sleep-‘til-you-wake-up to up-and-at-‘em in a blink can be tough and can make for some pretty groggy, slow-going mornings.  Set the alarm for school wake-up time beforehand, enjoy a laidback breakfast together, and start transitioning into an early morning routine again.

Establish a “Launchpad space” where you stage school materials the night before so they’re ready to go in the morning.  Home entry areas that can be outfitted with locker-like cubby spaces, hooks, bins, and space for shoes make for a real investment in a time saving, organized start to the school day.  Use the products and supplies that would best help you create a spot for tomorrow’s shoes and socks, a filled backpack, any needed sports’ equipment, and supply bags packed for afterschool activities.  Any prep work that can be done leisurely the night before will make for a more prepared stroll out the door the next morning.

As you depart from the free time free-for-all, get back in the swing of structured schedules with a family planner.  Some prefer planner books with plenty of options and tabs for keeping track of school events, meetings, games, and other extracurricular activities.  Others like the big dry erase board method, using different marker colors and sticky notes for each family member’s notations.  Regardless, mounting a bulletin board or other pretty pin boards to hold notes, invitations, school flyers, and other paperwork to reference alongside your calendar is a good tool for staying organized. 

Extend your organizational upkeep to the closets as well.  Not only is this a great time to clean out outgrown clothes as the new school clothes come in, but staying on top of wardrobe planning each week will help alleviate early morning meltdowns over not knowing what to wear.  To take it a step further, you can search online to buy closet rod labels marked with days of the week to pick out outfits days in advance and have all the components hanging together and ready to wear.  This is a perfect tool when you have practices, games, or special events in your schedule. 

When you’re stocking up on school supplies, take the opportunity to restock your own home supply for your own projects and the school projects to come this year.  Markers, colors, pens, pencils, tape, cardstock, sticky notes, glue, craft paint, and notebooks can all come in handy.  While you’re at it, taking the time to organize and properly contain and store your supplies now will ensure they’re neat and accessible when they’re needed.

“Rise and shine” will have more merit when you feel you’ve prepared for those bright and shining starts to the days to come with your new must-haves for back to school.

DesignInMind column; appeared in the Valley Morning Star August 17th.