Sunday, July 20, 2014

Hit the Road

If your summer getaway is still ahead of you, you know that the bliss of vacation can be dampened by a hurried attempt to throw everything you might need into suitcases and scurry out the door on schedule.  Here are some tips to smooth that transition and start your relaxing off the very way you intend to enjoy it.

First, give yourself a break.  I know all about the desire to leave the house clean when you’re leaving so it will be that way on your return.  Ideal, yes.  But that’s not always completely feasible.  Do what you can, but focus more on preparing for the trip and leaving with a peaceful state of mind.

Scrutinize your schedule.  Are you planning every minute, or leaving room for spontaneity?  Do you have a “be here at exactly this time” frame of mind, or are you open to being more go with the flow?  Certain things need to be timely: flights, check-ins, reservations, and the like.  But don’t overschedule your downtime for the sake of having a plan.  The more ease of travel and downtime you allow yourself, the more that vacation will feel like you vacated the everyday. 

Write out your packing plan.  Having a visual list to work from helps you narrow down what you need and offers an opportunity to check it off as it is laid out for packing.  Keep those extras to just what you could feasibly need, keeping your load-in-tow to a manageable quantity and weight.  For younger kids, this is a great teachable moment to allow them to follow a list and pick out their own clothes and accessories.  Just leave the packing itself to you as you double check their work.

Pack a go-bag.  Whether you’re catching a plane or are in for a lengthy car ride, consider all the supplies that will come in handy when at the ready.  Tissues, hand wipes, sunblock, mints, chargers, batteries, magazines, travel packs of sugar and liquid creamer for your hotel in-room coffee, and so on are great to have on hand.  Stock up on some travel snacks to avoid those airport or roadside stops involving candy, chips, and cookies.  Have a refillable bottle with you for each person to be able to have water available on the go.  This is especially helpful when you take empty containers through airport security for refills later.  For car trips, pack an activities’ bag for children with portable electronics and movies, new coloring and activity books, colors, and games or puzzles that can all be used on lap boards to keep little hands occupied.  

When you really plan and prep for your trip, it makes leaving that much sweeter so you can hit the road and feel prepared . . . to take it easy.  

DesignInMind column; appeared in the Valley Morning Star July 20th.