Sunday, June 29, 2014

Summer Fun: Serve It Up, Creative Style

Summer get-togethers usually come with a familiar crowd: sun, grilling, shorts, flip flops, and so forth.  If there’s a backyard bash theme to be had, we’ve probably done it before.  If you’d like to add some fresh perspective to your hostess repertoire, here are some newer twists on serving up those summery classics.

Tossed and layered salads make the rounds this time of year, right along with the massive bowl of potato salad.  With a little more pre-prep, you can serve single side salads in your buffet line, no serving tongs required.  Use 8 ounce canning jars for individual layered salads.  Stack your greens, chopped veggies, and drizzle of dressing in these short, see-through cylinders and group them on a serving tray the way you would drink glasses.  To use the lid or not use the lid – that’s up to you.  They can be made ahead of time, stacked and stored in the fridge, and brought out when your main course is piping hot and ready.  Need more serving table space?  Do use the lids, and nest them over ice down in a large tub or ice chest on the ground level of your serving line.  The same concept would work for a grocery list of cold side dish alternatives like that potato salad, or a number of other salad varieties like macaroni, tuna, chicken, bean, fruit, or coleslaw. 

You have a great drink station set up, but those pesky flies are not what you want landing on your icy concoctions.  Whether you’re using mason jars, stemless wine glasses, or high ball glasses to give your lemonade, tea, or punch variety a classy look on that serving tray, top them off with colorful printed paper cupcake liners turned upside down.  With those resting on your filled glasses, push a pretty paper straw through a small “x” shape you cut in the center of the cupcake liner, just like to-go cup lids, which will also help keep your topper in place.  Now your guests can sip in style with this twist on a drink umbrella, and no bugs will be found floating on ice.    

We know the fashionable trick of freezing small fruit pieces or mint leaves in ice cubes to jazz up your juice glasses.  But you can also look online for ice cube trays that come in a variety of fun shapes for an extra spin on fancy ice.  For larger punch bowls or drink dispensers, make your own ice mold by freezing bowls (cereal bowl size) of water.  Make sure the bowl is freezer safe and the finished size will fit through the top opening in your drink dispenser.  To make it pop, freeze those fruit pieces or mint inside, giving your ice block a Jell-o mold look.  To keep from watering down your thirst quencher, freeze a mold of the drink you will be serving to use as its own ice.

For the simplest dessert and “goodnight” to a party, pour ice cold milk into mini vintage milk bottles, rest two shortbread cookies with holes in their centers on top, and stick a striped paper straw in the middle.  Pass these on a tray, or set out on a bed of ice.  It will be a sweet finish to the evening.

Have fun, get crafty, and take a few tips from others’ examples of how to rev up your party planning and serve up a creative summer spread.        

DesignInMind column; appeared in the Valley Morning Star June 29th.