Sunday, September 8, 2013

Jot It All Down

Staying organized through the busy fall season can keep you on top of things and help you feel prepared and – dare I say – ahead of the game.  To help you keep things in check, focus on the ways notes, lists, and labels can maintain your cool as you jot it all down.

Grocery Lists – Streamline your system for keeping track of the family grocery list by using a custom pad with tear away sheets or making your own chart on the computer and printing copies to circle or highlight items.  Keep the list in the same spot, add needed items throughout the week, and shop on a schedule.
Labels – In the pantry and closets and on shelves and in cubbies are likely a slew of bins, boxes, canisters, and other containers holding your life’s contents.  Do a whole-house label makeover to tag and mark what holds everything from cleaning supplies to office accessories to toys to spices to photo prints to fashion accessories.  Easy find, easy put away. 
The Planner – Actually fill in the squares that mark each day of the week in a portable planner to keep track of both the events and the everyday tasks.  Having a big-picture visual of a week at a glance helps you compartmentalize your time and keep on schedule.
To-Do Lists – Make separate lists for home projects, things to buy, tasks to complete, and goals to aim for.  Write them down, refer back, and mark off your progress.
Specialty Lists – Whether you’re taking a trip, heading up a committee, planning date nights, or always digging for weeknight dinners and school lunch ideas, make lists that help you plan details in advance, work out steps in a large project, or allow you to reference information you pre-researched for speed and ease when you need it.
Archives – When you attend a concert, take a vacation, or host a party in your home, write down quick notes about the details: dates, times, locations, guests, memories, and funny quotes to go along with the photos you take.  When you sit down to work on an album down the road, pull out your notebook, and you’ll be happy to have the specifics in writing that you may or may not recall at the time.
The Bucket List – Though crass in its title, a bucket list doesn’t have to be relegated to things you want to accomplish before you kick the, well, you get it.  Start bucket lists for things you want to accomplish/start/finish/experience in a season, a school year, during the holidays, in a home renovation, a personal makeover, or any category of your choice. 
Holiday Lists – Start now to pull together fall and Christmas decorating ideas, plan for gift giving, update your Christmas card address list, and even look into new menu ideas.  Planning can enhance your enthusiasm as you wait for that special time of the year.

Some spiral notebooks, notepads, folders, labels, markers, and pens can help you sift, sort, and chronicle your thoughts and ideas right into a well thought out plan of action for everything that could possibly come your way. 

DesignInMind column; appeared in the Valley Morning Star September 8th.