Sunday, May 26, 2013

Collection Perfection

If you’ve got it, flaunt it.  That’s what we’re told.  When you’re dreaming up new ways to enhance your interior spaces, you may have some options already on hand that could take to the walls and beyond.  If you’re a collector of fine things – or simply fun things – consider showcasing them in a whole new light.

Putting like items together with purpose can take some scattered finds to an eye-catching collection.  It is all in how you display.  Take, for example, your jewelry.  It can stay in a drawer, waiting to be worn.  Or it can dress up your bathroom or bedroom on a day-to-day basis.  Bulletin boards upholstered in simple, ironed pillowcases or push pin boards in decorative frames can be hung on the wall just like art, making attractive backgrounds to pin up necklaces and bracelets.  Use clear or fancy push pins and hang pieces in neat rows by color or size for an organized look.

Living so close to the coast, you may have some boxes or jars of shells, sand dollars, and other beach-combing finds stored away.  Bring them out front and give them a spot on a shelf or side table.  If you have unique collections on paper, like postcards from cities visited, paper menus, play bills, or items where your monogram is displayed prominently, frame them in a similar fashion and hang as a cohesive wall grouping.  If you have another type of wall art item spread throughout the home, like several small to medium mirrors, wrapped canvases, or nature photos, hang them together to provide a gallery feel in one room. 

Line living room shelves with your glass bottle collection.  Use plate hangers to group your plate collection on the dining room wall instead of having them stacked in storage.  Use a shadowbox with cubby holes to display a teacup collection or a set of small figurines.  If your hobby lends itself to a collection, like a music lover rounding up old guitars or a photo buff gathering cameras through the decades, mount them up on the wall or on shelves where you can show them off proudly. 

Sometimes all it takes for a fresh look is taking what you already have that has value to you and letting it shine like the grouping is worthy of an admission ticket.     
DesignInMind column; appeared in the Valley Morning Star May 26th.