Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Perfect Wedding

I am thrilled to share that the design of my life is changing.  I am officially engaged to be married!  This is a most exciting time, as I have been blessed with a wonderful man who will, in a few short months, be my husband.  So if you will indulge me, I foresee aspects of wedding planning popping up here and there in my future columns.  For today, I would like to share some thoughts on how we view “the perfect wedding.”

For me, “the perfect wedding” is far less about “the big day” and so much more about the life that leads up to it.  Yes, the little girl fairytales of the dress, the cake, and the flowers are memorable elements along the way to developing our creativity and imagination.  And I would not trade my memories of how I viewed being a bride dating back to even my kindergarten days.  Those were some of the earliest starts to my love of design and creating.  As I look at my little nieces now, I wonder how what their little eyes will be taking in during the months to come will start to shape their picture of their walk down the aisle one day.  And yet, my hope is that what we convey as a family shines more light on Who designed the path that is leading up to my walk down the aisle to my future husband.

My perfect wedding will be possible because we serve a Risen Savior Who has loved me so much that He has had a plan for my life that has been diligently carried out since before I was born.  So many things have come together in His perfect timing to get to this day.  That doesn’t mean I was always patient, or that I always knew exactly where I was headed.  However, my trust was, and is, and will continue to be in that the Lord’s design for my life is what is perfect.  His plans, His vision, His timing – those are beautiful things to follow after. 

Here in the Valley just like everywhere else in our nation, we have young people pursuing an education without quite knowing what steps beyond that will be possible.  We have families spreading themselves thin and seeing that their finances are not carrying them as far as they have in the past.  We have marriages that are struggling under the weight of expectations not reached.  We have youth so focused on today that the consequences for tomorrow are not acknowledged.  And yet, we have hope.  We have the opportunity to hand our lives over to a Heavenly Father Who loves us more than we can fathom.  We have the privilege of letting the Master Designer unfold a path in front of us and walk with us along the way.

A decade ago, I could not see how I would arrive at this chapter in life.  But I knew it was coming.  I will be working behind the scenes to ensure that the little girl fairytale elements come to life on our wedding day.  Yet, as a couple, we will know that our perfect wedding really is wrapped up in the moment we stand before our family and friends and vow before Christ that He chose us for each other, and that we will choose to love one another as only our Creator could have designed.     
DesignInMind column; appeared in the Valley Morning Star September 23rd.          
Krystal Krenek and Tyler Stenseng