Sunday, January 1, 2012

In With the New

“Out with the old, in with the new” is a statement most fitting for today of all days.  As 2012 is upon us and lists of New Year’s resolutions are being written out everywhere, there is no time like the present to contemplate things fresh and new for your New Year.

January is the perfect month for organization projects throughout your home.  Since Santa is usually very good, making room for new gifts should involve some of that “out with the old.”  If you were given some new small appliances and kitchen gadgets, what can now be removed to clear some counter or pantry shelf space of older items?  If you were given decorative items and household accents, what could you put away so your new displays can be featured solo?  Since the kids were likely given the latest and greatest of the toy department, what can you consider donating to teach them about giving and reclaim your storage structure at the same time? 

To add to your list making, what around-the-house projects would be perfect to get going on this year?  Paint a room or two to liven up your living area.  Switch out some lighting fixtures for more modern shine indoors.  Replace dated flooring for economical, easy maintenance options.  If you plan on moving this year, enlist some trusted outside opinions to start gathering ideas about making updates to add value and real estate appeal to your home over your future competition.     

Those things are thinking on a bigger scale.  But what are the little things that can make your 2012 fresh and new?  Add flowers to your home from time to time.  Build a date night into your schedule.  Treat yourself to a little something new and special, whether that be ordering that tempting dessert occasionally, or indulging in a house cleaning service quarterly for “the big stuff” in particular. 
Whatever appeals to you, make room in your home and your days for the new, the creative, the energizing for a revitalizing 2012.

DesignInMind column; appeared in the Valley Morning Star January 1st.