Sunday, February 9, 2014

BE a Valentine

It was one year ago today that I walked down the aisle to the man who asked for my hand and who would then always be my Valentine.  As this Friday approaches, it’s a nice opportunity to think about sweet, “little nothings” that can add up to some pretty special somethings for the Valentines in your life.

If you have a significant other to share Valentine’s Day with, celebrate that.  Even if you don’t, look for ways to treat those around you, connected or strangers, to a little dose of Cupid for the day.  Buy some Valentine cards like the ones you would have given out in school and leave one in various places: with your tip for your server at lunch, in your mailbox for your letter carrier, on the counter while in line at a store, in the cup holder of your movie theater seat, and so forth.  Buy a bag of individually wrapped Valentine candy or lollipops and leave one on each of your co-workers desks or in your kids’ lunchboxes.  Decorate the desk of a single co-worker with some themed paper decorations.  Wrap up cookies, brownies, or rice treats you make and give little treat bags to teachers, neighbors, or friends. 

Buy a bouquet of flowers and hand out stems to a nurse, a bus driver, a checker, a clerk, or others you encounter during your day; you know the gesture would make theirs.  You could tie red and pink balloons to the side mirrors of cars on your street or in your office parking lot, or release a set of helium balloons in the neighborhood with Valentine cards inside.  You could pay for the order of the person in line behind you at a coffee place or drive-thru restaurant.  Buy a few $5 gift cards from a coffee place and add a message like “I wish you ‘a latte’ love” or “I love you ‘a latte’” before giving them out.  Plan ahead and order a tray of cookies for your church or school office or a local charity or organization.  Bring a box of Valentine cupcakes to a board meeting or to a local fire or police station.  Leave a mini box of chocolates behind when you pick up your dry cleaning, drop off a pet for grooming, get your vehicle serviced, or get a haircut. 

Hold open doors with a smile, offer a “Happy Valentine’s Day” to a stranger, and wear your red and pink clothing or accessories with flair.  Because at the end of the day, it’s all about love.  It’s a day to remind yourself and others that God loves us, that He chose us, and that He thinks we’re so special He was willing to make the ultimate sacrifice so we could always be together when we choose him back.  One simple yet distinctive day to mindfully acknowledge those around us with gratitude and love is the opportunity we have before us.  Do we have that opportunity every day?  Yes.  But we don’t always take it.  So this Valentine’s Day, say it, show it, live it, and be a Valentine you’d love to receive.    

DesignInMind column; appeared in the Valley Morning Star February 9th.

Krystal and Tyler Stenseng
The big day one year ago today . . .