Sunday, October 6, 2013

As Easy As One, Two, Three

Like options?  They can be as easy as one, two, three.

Hang something new on the wall: 1) framed chalkboard for family notes, 2) decorative framed pegboard spray painted one color to hold jewelry on pins, or 3) a short row of pretty wooden hangers over a desk to use the clothes clips for papers instead.
Wrap a gift a new way: 1) in a folding map, 2) in fabric by the yard, securing folds with tied ribbon, or 3) in newsprint or sheet music.
Use glass new ways: 1) mason jars as candle holders or ice cream dishes, 2) as a gift set of drinking glasses you customize with a chalkboard paint design, or 3) a series of clear bottles and jars holding photographs in place of frames.

What else to stick on a paper towel holder: 1) a roll of trash bags, 2) a stack of craft ribbon rolls, or 3) kids’ art paper or butcher paper rolls.
Alternative uses for drawer pulls: 1) necklace pegs, 2) coat racks, or 3) umbrella rests.
Other uses for a decorative box: 1) charging station for all your electronic devices, with some cutting required, 2) holder for art supplies, or 3) tray for bathroom toiletries.

What else you can do with contact paper: 1) line the back of bookcase shelves, 2) wrap decorative strips around a canister set, or 3) add sections to drawer fronts.
Uses for an old wooden ladder: 1) mounted to the wall as a book shelf, 2) as a towel rack, or 3) or hung in a laundry room for a clothes rack.
Fun vase fillers: 1) hard candy, 2) bars of soap, or 3) wine corks.

Uses for square glass vases: 1) to hold your salad bar contents, 2) as a recipe card box, or 3) to hold makeup brushes on the bathroom counter.
Alternate purposes for a wine rack: 1) to hold magazines and catalogs, 2) to stand on its side and use as a chord caddy, or 3) to hold rolled towels in the bathroom.
A clothes line can double as: 1) a place to pin photos, invitations, or cards, 2) a magazine line, or 3) a kids’ artwork gallery.

A pillowcase can also be used: 1) to hold sheet sets together in a linen closet, 2) as a travel dirty clothes bag, or 3) to reupholster a dining chair cushion.
Monogram: 1) baskets for custom storage, 2) wall hooks in the bathroom for each person, or 3) a custom wall decal for over the bed or in the entryway.

An old fashioned suitcase can hold: 1) divided years of archive documents, 2) manicure and pedicure supplies, or 3) mini toiletries for overnight guests.  

DesignInMind column; appeared in the Valley Morning Star October 6th.