Sunday, April 14, 2013

What Is It Good For?

Items around the house, though typically designated for specific purposes, can often be repurposed for a variety of different uses.  Thinking through your options and putting some to new uses can make the tools you have that much more useful.

Let’s start with an easy one.  An abaca media basket is shaped and sold to hold DVDs in an organized, attractive form.  But take the same narrow, rectangular basket and let it hold a loaf of bread, snack items, boxed meals, or canned goods in the pantry.  On a bathroom counter, one can store rolled hand towels, wrapped decorative soaps, cosmetic products, or extra toilet paper rolls in the cabinet.  In a child’s room, media baskets can line up books on a shelf, diapers and wipes on a changing table, or small toys or puzzles in a cubby system.

A kitchen serving tray or cocktail tray can serve a meal away from the table or glasses of punch at a party.  But place one on a coffee table and corral your remotes and coasters in one orderly spot.  Make a tray on your foyer table the first stop for mail, car keys, and sunglasses when you walk through the door.  Use a tray in the home office for stacks of paper to restock the printer, magazines and catalogs for perusing, or a pretty collection of stationery, envelopes, stamps, and pens.  Stacked trays of the same size in the cabinets of a buffet or entertainment center can keep sets of placemats and napkins separated and neat.  A tray on a guest bed nightstand is a resting place for reading material, tissues, and an alarm clock.   

And the list doesn’t stop there.  Picture frames can double as trays, small bowls or tea cups can hold earrings and bracelets, cake stands can be risers for table centerpiece components, and flat sheets or tablecloths can double as drapery panels.  Decorative drawer pulls can be mounted as wall hooks, magazine files can also be an office filing system or craft paper sorters, and a metal beverage tub can turn into toy or sports equipment storage.

Repurpose everyday items to put what you have to good use.  Decorations and household goods can often have a storage component to them.  Playing double duty can bring form and function into the stylish mix. 
DesignInMind column; appeared in the Valley Morning Star April 14th.