Sunday, March 31, 2013

As We Gather Around the Table

It’s fun to gather the family around the dining room table for a special meal as we celebrate holidays, milestones, and distinctive events.  As you set the table for Easter, add those extra touches that help set apart the day as anything but ordinary. 

There may be no such thing as overlaying when it comes to setting a “wow” table.  You can toss the rulebook that said placemats were for bare tables and chargers were for tablecloths.  If you have ‘em, why not stack ‘em?  Lay down an ironed tablecloth.  Position placemats at each place setting.  Top those with chargers, followed by dinner plates.  If you can serve your meal around the table or off of a buffet in the room, you can skip the informality of an in-home buffet line through the kitchen today.  If you save up the cloth napkins for “special occasions,” then today’s their day.  Anything from a simple, rectangular fold to a dressy flair inside a napkin ring will do for napkins you place on top of each dinner plate.  Or, you can fold them to create a long bar and tuck them around your chargers, creating another layer like a table runner between each charger and dinner plate.    

If your guest list has grown beyond your everyday table diners, spruce up each place setting with place cards.  Simple, folded cardstock works, but you can get creative with cursive names written on real or plastic eggs or little marked bags of candy for a pre-dessert.  Lay out all the silverware your meal calls for, including salad forks to the left and a dessert spoon or fork at the top of each place setting.  If you have tiny tasting dishes, you can even serve salt and pepper at each place, offer individual dipping oil for bread, or later serve small dessert portions so guests can splurge and try a variety without the heavy portion.  Beside each tea glass, make like a restaurant and provide a water glass, complete with a tall glass bottle on the table or buffet primed with chilled water at the ready. 

Make some extra effort to make today dressier than the everyday.  Because today is a special day.  Today, we celebrate how much God loves us and how He sent His Son, Jesus, to die in our place and rise victorious over death so we could have the opportunity to accept the gift of salvation and spend eternity never parted from Him.  And there is nothing to be more grateful for than that as we gather around a beautiful table and bow our heads in thanks this Easter Sunday.
DesignInMind column; appeared in the Valley Morning Star March 31st.

Congratulations to those selected for the 2013 Royal Algodon Court, which is announced today!

Happy Easter!